• info@finerlifegolf.org
  • http://linktr.ee/finerlifegolf
  • New York, NY 10027


Discovering the Roots of FLGF…

In 2006, the inception of Finer Life Golf took shape as a group of novice golf enthusiasts had one question:

What if we had been introduced to golf during our childhood years? Who would we be?

Driven by a genuine passion for the sport, this eclectic team of a dynamic lawyer, a dedicated educator, a tech maven, and an athlete united to establish the initial board of directors.


Instead of thinking about golf as a pastime or an activity for the affluent (rich) to fill time, the vision was to make golf an enriching experience, planting the seeds of love for the sport to bloom in the years to come. Our first thought was for the children whose parents lacked the means for extracurricular pursuits—what about them?

The inception of Finer Life Golf aimed to democratize access to golf, because without exposure, how would any child know if they are great at golf?